“I will say to God, my rock, “why have you forgotten me? why must I go about in sorrow because of the enemy’s oppression?” my adversaries taunt me, as if crushing my bones, while all day long they say to me, “where is your God?” why, my soul, are you so dejected? why are you in such turmoil? put your hope in God, for I will still praise him, my Savior and my God.” // psalms 42:9-11 CSB

I’m fascinated by what seems to be a contradiction in the very first line of this verse, “God, my rock, why have You forgotten me?” the psalmist came to God with his honest feelings but still had the confidence to call God his rock - his place of safety, security, strength. walking with the Lord has taught me that the first line isn’t a contradiction at all — it’s only because God is our rock that we can come before Him and pour hearts out this way.

I think, a lot of times, we miss this part. when we find ourselves angry or hurting, we forget the character of God. (at least | sometimes have.) I’m grateful for the honesty I find time and time again in the Psalms. angry, doubtful, forgotten, confused, depressed - and all of these feelings are brought before the King of Kings who is able to handle them all. and not just “handle” us, but to deeply care for us.

in another Psalm, it says that God “inclined” to hear their prayer. that word inclined is “nãtâ” which means to bend down- God bends down to us in our affliction and pain and hears our cries. my favorite part of this is the picture it paints of Emmanuel: God with us... there can’t be distance when someone is bent down over you. there is no distance. 

wherever you find yourself today, you can come to the feet of a loving God who hears and sees you.

come dragging your feet. come with sighs of deep sorrow. come unsure of how you’ll make it there. just come.