When the shepherds heard that Jesus had been born, they immediately left their flocks and searched for Him (Luke 2:8–18). When the magi saw Jesus’ star in the east, they traveled a great distance to find Him. When they did, they bowed down and worshiped Him (Matthew 2:1–12).
Cute stories, huh?
We love to hear stories about how all eyes were on Jesus while we are trimming the tree or frosting a stack of Christmas cookies (yum!). But the reality is that Jesus didn’t stay in the manger for long. He grew up to become the King of Kings, Prince of Peace, Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, and Savior.
And then our focus became a little blurry.
It is so difficult to keep Jesus as the focus of our lives. Even in December, when all signs should point back to our King, we get wrapped up in a million other things and forget to make Jesus the center of our celebrating.
I wish something different for you this Christmas. I want you to become shepherds. I want you be reminded of the arrival of our King and then drop everything and pursue Him. I want you to be magi. Realize anew that all signs point to Jesus, and then worship Him and give Him your very best.
I’m not talking about theory here. This isn’t just a cute idea for a Christmas card. I’d like you to brainstorm practical ways to make Jesus the focus in the coming weeks and then commit to putting those ideas into practice.
Here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Commit to spending an extra hour in prayer every day between now and Christmas day.
- Use the Christmas season as an opportunity to share your faith with at least one lost friend.
- Ask your parents for a few less presents this year (or no presents at all) and then give the money they would have used on your gifts to your favorite ministry.
- Spend half an hour worshiping Jesus every morning during Advent. Crank up your favorite worship playlist, and start your days making it all about Him.
You probably have some even better ideas about how to make Jesus the focus this season. We’d love to hear about them. Leave us a comment, and let us know how you’ll be living out the call to be shepherds and magi this year.
Anna Kathryn